Free your soul from fear & limitations - A coaching session

Feb 07, 2024 |

A reminder and learning about subconscious wisdom and how we can transform blockages into freedom

I would like to share my personal coaching session today in hopes of contributing to you, but also to show how a session can go (it can look like in countless other ways as well) based on the TPLC coaching that I coach in. 

I go into a coaching session with my beautiful coach in my international Coaching network, I am the one being coached by Nat today. I want to dive deeper into my subconscious (which often talks in pictures and symbols) and explore another layer of holding myself back to be able to live even more fully.

My topic is that I have had thoughts coming up and a hard time for a while to come into real peace, especially in my meditations. I have been a bit restless and distracted these last few weeks. Thousand things come up and I haven´t been able to direct some of that energy into action. We start to explore going within.

I see like a boiling cooker/pot around my neck and throat, and inside it, there is a lot of creative energy, it feels like the lid wants to fly up and let everything out. (among other things throat chakra is about speaking your truth to the world) I explore it a bit more and I feel it is my own inner true authentic power, my soul's mission at this time, just waiting to burst out.

I am, and there is so much I bring to the world, and that needs to be channeled in alignment with and in the rhythm of my soul and life/universe itself.

As above, so below, So below, as above.

I feel a pressure on the outside of that pot, holding the lid down. It is a stress-full energy filled with thoughts, emotions, and distractions.

-My coach asks, what if you would open the lid?

A direct feeling of fear comes from the energy that is holding the lid down. A feeling of fear to feel pain, pain from past lives of punishment for my skills and my wisdom, fear of failure, fear of being let down, shame, blame, anger, and sorrow.

This restless energy has kept me distracted these last couple of weeks because It is scared of what´s inside that boiling pot, energy coming from my soul, new potential, opportunities and a higher frequency expanding.

I´ll be shown a vision of a bunch of my personalities from past (or parallel) lives that have lived their life with skills, gifts, and wisdom, but at that time been let down, being punished, or given up, and with different reasons not being free spirits in their lives.

They are all in a dark and damp dungeon. Sitting with their heads down, trapped in fear and forgotten about the light. From this dimension, I connect with them, talk to them, and tell them that I will open that lid, live my soul’s path, and be fully free. Their time in the dungeon has come to an end. I give them the gift and opportunity to open the door and walk out into the light by themselves, or it will be tough for them to be forced or dragged out into the light.

They are sacred and don´t trust they will be safe and that there really is light. I show like a virtual AI vision in front of them in the dungeon and let them see what is in the boiling pot (my soul's path). There are opportunities to feel happy, to be thankful, to have flow and synchronicity, to meet wonderful people, to heal, to feel, and to serve people and the earth in this time.

I tell them that they are needed with their inner skills and wisdom. I show them traveling the world, the joy, all the beauty and love and how it is to feel free and to live fully. They start moving and rise into the dungeon, the people in the front start talking, telling the others we have a choice to freely walk out in the light and trust the unknown, or to stay in the dark dungeon where they know how it is but where there is no change. Let´s do it!

After some time, there is one taking the handle and pushing it down and slowly opening the door a bit and a stream of light flows in. The light gets sharper when the door opens more and more and finally, they are one by one holding their arms in front of their eyes walking out.

They are in an open arena, I see them slowly being able to open their eyes and see. Some start smiling, some are just standing confused, some standing looking into the sky, some are crying, and some laughing and hugging. I am also smiling…

My higher self is showing me like a fairy tale that the veil was revealed when they came out in the light. It had made them blind by fear, and now they can see clearly and awaken again to their true gifts after a long time of sleep, remembering who they truly are.

- My coach takes me back to my inner awareness by asking me to connect within

    I feel into myself, that the energy is calmer, more grounded, and yet powerful. The boiling pot It goes from the heat of ten to the heat of six on the stove, a great temperature. The pot is full of delicious ingredients. I can choose what I want to taste and serve on different occasions.

    I am the one who can turn the heat up and fire up with passion or take the heat down to stillness and peace.. and there is no holding back or pressure on the lid. I open the lid and I let all the delicious pieces in the stove boil, and when the time is right, I will take one piece at a time and channel it where it wants to go and make it happen by taking action and “just do it”. I feel amazingly relieved, grounded, calm and full of curious and excited energy.

    This is how a coaching session can take form from lucid subconscious wisdom.

    By acknowledging and addressing the fears and past experiences that are holding us back, we are able to release them and open ourselves up to living more fully and in alignment with our soul's path.

    Often, our ego is afraid of our greatness, because it means taking personal responsibility, possibly standing out, standing up for our truth and heart, taking action, leading, and often being more visible. But oh, how worth it it is to have the courage, which means being afraid but still taking the step. 

    Feeling grateful for my development journey through life.

    Categories: : English